Rabu, 09 September 2009

iklan: Training CCNA (640-802) Exam Preparation

Your Name: Tita Nurmalita
email address: info@brainmatics.com
Judul iklan: Training CCNA (640-802) Exam Preparation
Keterangan: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) adalah sertifikasi bidang networking yang diakui secara internasional dan merupakan pondasi awal untuk mendapatkan jenjang sertifikasi yang lain. Lulusan CCNA mampu melakukan instalasi, konfigurasi, dan mengoperasikan LAN, WAN dan Dial Access Services untuk jaringan kecil (di bawah 100 PC) yang bekerja menggunakan protokol IP, IGRP, Serial, Frame Relay, IP RIP, VLANs, RIP, Ethernet, Wirelless, IPv6 dan Access Lists.

Bagi para praktisi dan profesional yang ingin mendapatkan sertifikat CCNA ini, kami akan membuka kelas bimbingan dan persiapan menghadapi ujian dengan cara membahas soal-soal ujian dengan pembahasan teori dan praktek yang dilengkapi dengan Cisco Router dan Switch Catalyst dan router wireless N – Class.

1. Building a Simple Network
Exploring the Functions of Networking
Securing the Network
Host-to-Host Communication Model
TCP/IP's Internet Layer
TCP/IP's Transport Layer
Packet Delivery Process
Understanding Ethernet
Connecting to an Ethernet LAN

2. Ethernet LANs
Challenges of Shared LANs
Solving Network Challenges with Switched LAN Technology
Packet Delivery Process
Operating Cisco IOS Software
Starting the Switch
Understanding Switch Security
Maximizing the Benefits of Switching
Troubleshooting Switch Issues

3. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANS)
Exploring Wireless Networking
Understanding WLAN Security
Implementing a WLAN

4. LAN Connections
Functions of Routing
Understanding Binary Basics
Constructing a Network Addressing Scheme
Starting a Router
Configuring a Router
Packet Delivery Process
Understanding Router Security
Using Cisco Router and Security Device Manager
Using a Router as a DHCP Server
Accessing Remote Devices

5. Network Environment Management
Discovering Neighbors on the Network
Managing Router Startup and Configuration
Managing Cisco Devices

6. Small Network Implementation
Review Lab: Review of a Small Network Environment

7. Medium-Sized Switched Network Construction
Implementing VLANs and Trunks
Improving Performance with Spanning Tree
Routing Between VLANs
Securing the Expanded Network
Troubleshooting Switched Networks

8. Wide Area Networks (WANs)
WAN Technologies
Enabling the Internet Connection
Enabling Static Routing
Configuring Serial Encapsulation
Enabling Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

9. LAN Extension into a WAN
Establishing a Point-to-Point WAN Connection with PPP
Establishing a WAN Connection with Frame Relay
Troubleshooting Frame Relay WANs
Introducing VPN Solutions

10. Medium-Sized Routed Network Construction
Reviewing Routing Operations
Implementing VLSM

11. Single Area OSPF Implementation
Implementing OSPF
Troubleshooting OSPF

12. EIGRP Implementation
Implementing EIGRP
Troubleshooting EIGRP

13. Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Introducing ACL Operation
Configuring and Troubleshooting ACLs

14. Address Space Management
Scaling the Network with NAT and PAT
Transitioning to IPv6

Persyaratan Peserta:
Mengetahui dasar jaringan komputer.
Mengetahui dasar operasi router berbasiskan IOS.

Buku CCNA 640-802 Exam preparation.
Praktek langsung di LAB dengan 10 buah Router Cisco dan 2 buah Cisco Catalyst switch untuk teknologi LAN, VLAN, WAN (PPP, HDLC, Frame Relay), routing teknologi (Statik, dinamik (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, dan IGRP) ditambah router wireless linksys WRTG54N series untuk mendukung materi pembelajaran.
Satu komputer satu peserta dengan spesifikasi PIV Multimedia terkoneksi internet.
Tersedia Lunch & snack.
Pearson Vue Testing Center memungkinkan peserta langsung melaksanakan ujian sertifkasi CCNA series 640-802.

PT Brainmatics Cipta Informatika
Menara Bidakara, Lantai 2, Suite 0205
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 71-73, Jakarta 12870
Telp. +62-21-83793383; Fax. +62-21-83793384
Email: info@brainmatics.com
Category: education
Website (URL): brainmatics.com
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Tips Wajib :

iklangede.com TAMPIL lebih Sederhana dan berusaha menampilkan iklan yang bermanfaat

Tips bertransaksi online : Selalu lakukan transaksi dengan cara bertemu langsung dengan penjual dan mari bersama kita bangun budaya jual-beli yang aman dan sehat, jangan ada tipu - tipu dengan sesama manusia.

Ingat! Hindari membayar dimuka & hati-hati dengan iklan yang tidak realistis.