Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

Form to E-mail results by

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To download the files visit the link provided below. You
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Results of form submission.

The submitted value of field named "Judul_iklan_:" is:
Best search engine, internet

The submitted value of field named "Email:" is:

The submitted value of field named "Keterangan_:" is:
The best media for search engine google, at this moment.

The submitted value of field named "Upload_Gambar" is:


More Information about this submission and submitter:-

Submission ID : 1765386
Date & Time : Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:43 PM (GMT)
Form Location :
IP Address :
Browser Info : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009082707 Firefox/3.0.14 GTB5
Predicted Country : Indonesia

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Form to E-mail results by
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Tips Wajib : TAMPIL lebih Sederhana dan berusaha menampilkan iklan yang bermanfaat

Tips bertransaksi online : Selalu lakukan transaksi dengan cara bertemu langsung dengan penjual dan mari bersama kita bangun budaya jual-beli yang aman dan sehat, jangan ada tipu - tipu dengan sesama manusia.

Ingat! Hindari membayar dimuka & hati-hati dengan iklan yang tidak realistis.