Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

ebook avatar, best seller, The Art of Avatar

The Art of Avatar : James Cameron's Epic Adventure (Hardcover) . Berikut ini kami berikan ebook avatar yang Lisa Fitzpatrick . Dia telah menjadi penulis dan editor selama kurang lebih 15 tahun lamanya.

Hasil karya dari Lisa Fitzpatrick adalah : Kung Fu Panda, 24, Star Wars, Shrek, Madagascar, and The X-Files, as well as anniversary editions for Sony Pictures Imageworks and the USC School of Cinematic Arts. She lives in San Francisco.

Pemenang penulis pada Academy Award James Cameron, the maker of Titanic and the creator of the Terminator series , telah membuat Avatar selama 4 tahun lamanya. The film follows the story of an ex-marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on a distant planet filled with exotic life forms. The Art of Avatar, the compilasi ebook ini to this epic 3-D action adventure, explores the developmental and conceptual art used by the creative team to create the original world of Avatar.

lebih dari 100 full-color photo termasuk sketches, matte paintings, drawings, and film stills, The Art of Avatar reveals the process behind the creation of set designs for the imaginative vistas, unique landscapes, aerial battle scenes, bioluminescent nights, and fantastical creatures. Interviews with art directors, visual effects designers, animators, costume designers, and creature makers bring insight into this creative process. The Art of Avatar membawa pembaca untuk mengerti di bali layar pembuatan dari cerita apik ini.

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