Title: Mr.
Name: steven wood
E-Mail: telco214inc@gmail.com
Subject: jual:apple iphone 4g 32gb $300usd/Blackberry bold touch 9900/9930 $300
Message: Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II .. $300
Blackberry bold touch 9900/9930 $300
Apple iphone 4g 32gb ... $300
Apple ipad 2 64gb wifi with 3g ... $320
its brand new in the box, unlocked with one year warranty
MSN ID:telco214inc@hotmail.com
YAHOO ID:telco214inc@yahoo.com
Skype Id:telco214inc
Phone: 04949438 http://www.iklangede.com
Name: steven wood
E-Mail: telco214inc@gmail.com
Subject: jual:apple iphone 4g 32gb $300usd/Blackberry bold touch 9900/9930 $300
Message: Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II .. $300
Blackberry bold touch 9900/9930 $300
Apple iphone 4g 32gb ... $300
Apple ipad 2 64gb wifi with 3g ... $320
its brand new in the box, unlocked with one year warranty
MSN ID:telco214inc@hotmail.com
YAHOO ID:telco214inc@yahoo.com
Skype Id:telco214inc
Phone: 04949438 http://www.iklangede.com
apple iphone, Blackberry bold touch, Samsung Galaxy