Kamis, 10 November 2011

pompa ebara, pompa grundfos, milton roy

E-Mail: dutagetraco1@yahoo.com
Subject: pompa ebara, pompa grundfos, milton roy
Message: PT. DUTA GETRACO MANDIRI is a mid size company specializing in Pumps, Installation and valves, we are distributor & supplier of :

- ITT Lowara pumps
- EQUAL Centrifugal End Suction pumps
- ETECH Submersible Deep Well pumps
- HOMA Drainage and Waste water pumps
- FRANKLIN Submersible motor
- LMI MILTON ROY Dosing Pump
- IDEAL BOMBAS ( Spain ) All Pumps
- ZENIT Submersible waste water pumps
- DEBEM Diaphragm Pumps

The market covered through an exclusively dealer in a certain territory, the dealer assist us to cover the entire Indonesian area and used their close relationship to open doors for our principals.

PT. DUTA GETRACO MANDIRI also carry stocks unit and spare parts. and covering the market by market segmentation and we divided the market as follows :

1. Water Technology Division
2. Industrial Process Division
3. Mechanical & Electrical Division
4. Project Division
5. Drilling Division
6. Installation Division
7. Service Division

Please contact our sales at :
Ruko Mutiara Taman Palem, Blok B3 No. 35
Cengkareng - Jakarta Barat - 11730
021 - 54357057, 021- 54357058, 021 - 91309828, 021 - 95334807, Fax 021 - 54357058, or my mobile 0818977093 ( Stefanus)
My email : steve@ dutagetraco.com

Phone: 021-54357057
Website: indonetwork.co.id/dutagetraco/

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iklangede.com TAMPIL lebih Sederhana dan berusaha menampilkan iklan yang bermanfaat

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Ingat! Hindari membayar dimuka & hati-hati dengan iklan yang tidak realistis.