Title: Mr.
Name: Claritas School International Programmers
E-Mail: iklanbaris@lawavedesign.com
Subject: Claritas School International Programmers
Message: Claritas School International Programmers - www.claritasschool.com -
Claritas School is one of the first schools to teach and focus about Character.
Here, we focus on Character, Thinking System and Teamwork.
With our team of teachers and staff, and a strong foundation who know the value of
Education, we decided to build this school where we produce good people with great
characters. We realized that just doing well in academics isnt enough for people to
be Successful.
Character is what counts the most.
At this School, we are ready to accept students from all backgrounds, races,
religions and cultures.
We want to build our children to posess strong characters, be more open minded and
most importantly respect others.
As we live in a modern world where gadgets are controlling everything, we are losing
the value of life and nature. The children these days are less fortunate to enjoy
the beauty of nature, and at the same time losing the value of their cultures and
We, at this school, dont want to lose that, and so we teach our children to love and
respect nature and also to explore more and maintain their cultures and traditions.
We believe Claritas is the answer to many peoples hopes and dreams.
To be known well and respected as one of the best schools.
To nurture our students in such a way that they will stand at the top of their
Komplek Mahkota Mas, Blok E
Jl. M.H Thamrin, Cikokol - Tangerang 15117
Telp : 021-5575 5238
Fax : 021-5548 548
Mobile : 021-3616 9928 / 0815 1999 1102 / 0813 16 555 212
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan klik www.claritasschool.com dapatkan semua
informasinya terima kasih.
Phone: -
Website: www.claritasschool.com
Pasang iklan gratis
Name: Claritas School International Programmers
E-Mail: iklanbaris@lawavedesign.com
Subject: Claritas School International Programmers
Message: Claritas School International Programmers - www.claritasschool.com -
Claritas School is one of the first schools to teach and focus about Character.
Here, we focus on Character, Thinking System and Teamwork.
With our team of teachers and staff, and a strong foundation who know the value of
Education, we decided to build this school where we produce good people with great
characters. We realized that just doing well in academics isnt enough for people to
be Successful.
Character is what counts the most.
At this School, we are ready to accept students from all backgrounds, races,
religions and cultures.
We want to build our children to posess strong characters, be more open minded and
most importantly respect others.
As we live in a modern world where gadgets are controlling everything, we are losing
the value of life and nature. The children these days are less fortunate to enjoy
the beauty of nature, and at the same time losing the value of their cultures and
We, at this school, dont want to lose that, and so we teach our children to love and
respect nature and also to explore more and maintain their cultures and traditions.
We believe Claritas is the answer to many peoples hopes and dreams.
To be known well and respected as one of the best schools.
To nurture our students in such a way that they will stand at the top of their
Komplek Mahkota Mas, Blok E
Jl. M.H Thamrin, Cikokol - Tangerang 15117
Telp : 021-5575 5238
Fax : 021-5548 548
Mobile : 021-3616 9928 / 0815 1999 1102 / 0813 16 555 212
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan klik www.claritasschool.com dapatkan semua
informasinya terima kasih.
Phone: -
Website: www.claritasschool.com
Claritas School International Programmers