Rabu, 01 April 2015

a solution and network provider for hotel’s HSIA

Title: Mrs.
Name: PT. Afirmasi Kreatif Media Sistem
E-Mail: iklanbaris@lawavedesign.com
Subject: a solution and network provider for hotel’s HSIA (High Speed Internet Access)
Message: PT. Afirmasi Kreatif Media Sistem, a solution

and network provider for hotel’s HSIA (High Speed
Internet Access), as internet has became a basic needs
for hotels and lodgings and as network\'s demands for
faster, better and rich-features connectivity, therefore, we
are offering the solution that is simple to install, operate,

convenient and easy for clients to use Services of
anytime, anywhere broadband access to the internet in
hotel or hospitality industry has become demand from the
guests ; Wi-Fi “Hot Spots’ and Cable networks (LAN)
are popping up everywhere in the hotel, for example : in
hotel guest rooms, or any public areas. As this demand has become needs for the guests,

business owners needs to consider best coverage as well
as best value for investment , simple to operate and less
from trouble It is because those thoughts, we came up
with the idea of delivering total solution services, such as
infrastructures, network devices, and billing software.
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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan klik
http://akmediasistem.com/ dapatkan semua informasinya

terima kasih.
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a solution and network provider for hotel’s HSIA
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