Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015

Special fusion splicer sumitomo

Title: Mr.
Name: ferry
Subject: Dapatakan harga special fusion splicer sumitomo T-81C info hub:081314666889..%%%
Message: TYPE-81C direct core monitoring fusion splicer was developed on the basis of the concept of \" ultra fast splicing in every environment. \"
While compact, lightweight, rugged and durable, the TYPE-81C is capable of the fastest splice cycle time. Its touch screen display and remote support via internet enhance user friendliness,
making the splicer simple and versatile. TYPE-81C has dual independent heaters to reduce splice cycle time. TYPE-81C marks the new standard for fusion splicers.

Fusion Splicer TYPE-81C Key Features and Benefits Ultra fast splicing in every environment
Compact, Lightweight and Ultra fast
Downsized by 43% from conventional model
2.1 kg weight with battery
Ultra fast splicing ( 7 sec.)
Ultra fast heating ( 28 sec.)
G.657 fiber auto-splice function
Duurable & Rugged
IP52 rating and 76cm drop on 5 faces
Simple & Versatile
Touch-screen operation
Universal clamps for 250¼ m, 900m tight & loose buffer fiber ( Patent Pending)
Supports bi-directional splicing operation/ Reversible coating clamps ( Patent pending)
Remote support via internet
Upgrades software via internet
Remote interactive maintenance via internet

Contact Person:
PT. Panca Wahyu Mandiri
Ph : 021-55782056 - 021- 55782057
Fax : 021-55782058
Mobile : 081314666889
Ruko Metropolis Town Square Jl. Hartono Raya, Blok GG-2 No.5
Modernland - Tangerang 15117, Banten

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